Westlake Village Musician
Westlake Village Musician
Playing at the Westlake Inn Hotel is always a blast. It’s a luxurious spot in a beautiful town where there is always something to do. When not playing, my husband and I will periodically head over to Stonehaus, an outdoor, hipster coffee and wine bar filled with fire pits and a vineyard. Or, we’ll head over to Bogies for some live jazz or pop entertainment. Either way, it’s a cool vibe to experience.
I truly love being a Westlake Village Musician (harpist)!!! Instead of playing background atmosphere type music, I was in the spotlight today at Westlake Women’s Club luncheon. I had the opportunity to tell stories, share some of my favorite pieces on the harp and do what I love to do–entertain on the harp. The ladies were fascinated with the whole experience and seemed to say as much.

Westlake Women's Club